Problems logging in on 7/24/13

At about 3:52pm on 7/24/13, the UO experienced problems with our campus-wide, Shibboleth web sign-on service. This problem was resolved around 4:30pm that same day.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused your during that time. Please direct any questions or troubles to the Technology Service Desk (151 Mck; 541-346-HELP;

Thank you!

Recent Slowness

If you have been experiencing slowness or timeout errors with UO Blogs this past week, that is because our host company, Edublogs, is fighting off a spam bot. Edublogs has reassured us that there is NO security risk with this spam bot. 

This spam bot is occassionally causing load and performance issues. Edublogs is working hard to resolve this problem.

Thank you for your patience!

2/11/13: Unplanned Downtime

During the evening of 02/11/13, there was unplanned downtime for the UO Blogs service. Our apologies for the disruption this may have caused.

Questions? Please contact the Help Desk (; 541-346-HELP).

Thank you!

Resolved: Redirected Logins

The redirected logins issue we posted about previously has been resolved. Thank you for your patience!

If you have any questions about UO Blogs, please contact the Help Desk (541-346-HELP;

Redirected Logins

Some users are being redirected to login again after they have successfully logged in the first time. We are aware of these issues and working to resolve them as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your patience!