Are GEDs Truly Necessary To Succeed As A High School Dropout?
Photo by Ben Mullins on Unsplash
Getting your GEDs is a big deal for those who never got the chance to graduate high school. Introduced in 1942, in an attempt to reintegrate soldiers returning from the war back into working class society, GED was created in an attempt to offer them a high school diploma equivalent certification in order to be able to secure better jobs or to pursue higher education. In the beginning, the test came under fire for being too easy, and there were instances whereby students would be encouraged by teachers to drop out so that they could go for their GEDs instead. Through the years, GED has undergone some changes to ensure that those who pass their GEDs can truly be considered as people who have the necessary skills and knowledge that matches those of a high school senior. Seeing as the test and content has been updated, it has increased the difficulty somewhat, which does put off potential candidates as they don’t want to waste their time on something that is sure to fail.
However, there are plenty of resource-rich GED courses, classes, and even online resources like Gedeno on the internet. Gedeno is one of the most well-known resource platforms on the internet for GED related materials. They provide everything from guidance to what to expect, and have a high passing rate, especially if students follow their Onsego class. The promise that Gedeno consistently delivers is the promise that the company gives to their students: achieving their GEDs in just seven weeks.
Steve Gory, EdTech expert, a rich resource for GED students, wants to remind those who are struggling to take that first step to improving themselves that, “The first step is always the hardest, but we’re the only ones that weigh ourselves down. Don’t hold yourself back and bear in mind that once you take the first step, the rest is easy, because all you need to do is follow through, and it’s relatively simple.”
The CEO believes that everyone should have a chance to better their prospects, in fact, he believes that it is every individual’s duty to improve themselves. “If we don’t push ourselves, who will? The education system fails, but GED exists as a contingency plan. Some people have no choice but to drop out of school, and regardless of life’s circumstances, we can always do something to improve our standard of living, and most of the time, that depends entirely on ourselves.”
Gory has a bright passion for education because he believes it to be a pathway to brighter things, “Can you just imagine that the cure for cancer, or even the common cold, stuck in the mind of someone who was never given the opportunity to further their studies? How sad for humanity if that were the case.”
One of the key reasons for sitting for one’s GEDs is the prospect of increasing their job eligibility, but do GEDs truly enhance one’s prospects? The truth is that the world is changing and traditional education is slowly falling out of favor. Of course, if your plans include becoming an accountant, doctor, or lawyer, you will require formal education, but if your plans are simply to live a comfortable life making a decent living, there are plenty of opportunities that do not require you to have a high school equivalency, or any form of formal education.
Jobs that are currently in high demand don’t need you to have any particular set of skills that you would have if you graduated high school. For example, social media influencers. Literally anyone can become a social media influencer. There have been instances whereby even homeless people go viral thanks to the help of social media and go on to become social media sensations in their own right.
“If you think about it,” Gory goes on when asked about the current economic landscape, “We’re testing out new waters and venturing where no man or society has gone before. Everything is new, and at one point, learning to be a doctor was unheard of, and people simply blundered on, trying, testing, before forming any kind of formal syllabus. For our modern age of digitization, we’re in that sweet period of time where everything is undefined and you can truly be anything you want to be. So get your GEDs or not, but at the end of the day, understand that you owe it to yourself to improve.”
Gedeno’s latest article about the rising jobs of 2022 really hits the nail on its head by providing a whole list of professions, or careers, that don’t require any education other than a passion to learn.
“We’re learning from everywhere, nowadays. We go on our Facebook, we learn about the news. We go on TikTok, we learn about new trends, discoveries, and things that have largely gone ignored. While the classroom will always remain, the classroom has expanded far beyond the conventions of a brick-and-mortar institution and the kind of high-earning people on social media prove that.”
But of course, social media isn’t the only place that one can find their bread and butter. Head over to Gedeno’s article to check out the full list of vocations that you can do with or without your GEDs.